Hi Luigi,
Thanks for the clarification about Giavapps MIDI.
I have had success sending note on and note off short messages on several channels, simultaneously.
And I see that it's possible to get the current instrument name with:
Which I assume "gets" the current instrument on the current bank on the current channel. But what I need to do is to "set" the current "channel", then "set" the current "instrument" (patch) then "set" the current instrument "bank". Much like drum instruments are selectable as "kits". Can you provide any code example to accomplish this?
And I guess that Giavapps MIDI works only for stand-alone, PC-Mac-Linus builds and not for WebGL builds because of the use of DLL's? I'm not a professional programmer, but it seems that my WebGL builds now fail after adding Giavapps MIDI and trying to open MIDI output devices and send MIDI data.
Thanks for your help, Luigi.
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