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First of all, this game is everything i ever wanted. Medival city builder meets Mount and blade and i believe it could be the next big hit.

So i played some couple of hours and i wanted to make a video(If it is ok for you) but i encountered a major bug :

-My keep could not be finished(all my workers idiled at their homes running circles) and when it was (after 10 minutes) i selected to build a barracks for the pikemen. Problem was i placed roads around the keep and i was unable to build the barracks and it hasn´t disappeared. I still could drop certain buildings but the barracks blueprint stayed red even in the "free roam" mod. Had to end the game meeh... all the progress lost.(Couldn´t also demolish the since the place building blocked it). Also i was able to "recruit" pikemen without the building. It removed the weapons and the gold but no soldier was added. Also the building dropped back to 0% done even if it was standing there.

-Some Buildings (huntsmen) have a certain clipping problem after reaching i believe it was tier 3. There is a house (physically) but you could still move through that Wall. Not sure if it fixed itself.

-Another bug i encountered was while crafting a wooden shield and a mace. When i armed myself with it it duplicated itself. I ended up having 3 shields and 2 clubs i couldn´t sell or destroy since the button in the inventory justs drops the wepon or armor on your feet.

I try it tommorow again still a bit nagged about the bug was some hours i sunked into it. Keep up the good work!

Hey Brummbear,
first of all: big thanks for your detailed post and the bug reports. This really helps me improving the game. I spotted the building bug of the quarters and (hopefully) completely fixed it. Also the bug which occurred when equiping weapons has been removed. I think, the bugs of being able to build pikeman and the wrong assignment of the building progress percentage have been triggered by the initial quarters bug and do not exist if everything works fine. At least I tried  my best to reproduce them and Bad a look into the code once more, (fortunately) whithout success.
Concerning the idle workers which failed to get to the keep  building site: A wrong placement of streets may have been the problem. Simply just drag some new  streets on the old streets or try another route. Should solve 95% of all pathfinding problems. I'll fix that later.
I'll upload a hot fix tomorrow.

You are welcome,sounds good will give you a report if i spot anything new (or awkard). Thought so too about the workers and streets atleast i noticed it when i placed a new way.  Big thank you for developing a game like this.