here "-pulls out your dick and licks it off, swallowing the rest of it- mhmm, just how i imagined it TwT"
oh screw you! i was just saying it tasted nice U^U
NO you taste better Ù^Ú
alright alright, fine, "i taste better", now get over here and suck me while i suck you >:3
>:3 hehe -sucks-
good boy~
-pulls your legs over me, sucking your dick n swirling tongue around it-
what, jealous of my skills? ;3
-moves tongue around the tip before deep throating you-
-wraps tongue all around your dick, then slowly sucking it, also very slowly speeding up.-
well you aint too bad yourself you know~
-laughs a bit, deep throating you a little faster-