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Oh wow. I have apparently been playing this game for months, except for the legionnaire attack phase.

I've not been able to pay for most of the games I've played, I make use of community copies whenever possible and only if I feel like there is a huge chance of me enjoying the game, same as if I were going to buy it outright. So I review and play and write and rate to try to make up for it.

I've started to also post sample playthroughs under my reviews (excerpted to show enough of the mechanics, play loop, and general feeling without being too long or too spoilery). I think writing up a sample playthrough is +5 archivist points.

My only fault I think is that as a result of being sick constantly I am really, really slow. ^_^; But it is just how I do things.

I don't think I want to incorporate the legionnaire attack phase. I just like seeing number go up.


You can definitely skip the legionnaire attack phase. Way more people than I expected have played this, so there's lots of room for librarians to just focus on research instead of library defense.

Also I'm totally willing to count sample playthroughs as regular reviews, with +5 points per paragraph. Just +5 total doesn't feel like it's enough for the work.

Oh, and buying games isn't required to play Heroic Archivist. It's always appreciated, but I don't want money to be a barrier for entry. Reading and reviewing is always super appreciated!

+33 Archivist Points!


Oh wow, thank you! I'm glad lots of people are playing this, it's a very good gamification of what I feel is the best of what the community can do for each other!