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As pointed out by other comments, the art and visual style here are both lovely. Personally, I found the overarching plot (vague to avoid spoilers) rather confusing, even as a fan of Shakespeare, but Ophelia's character writing in particular stood out to me as very sweet and kind in a soothing way. 

Also, just as a PSA for others: some characters are quite touchy and/or flirty, and you as the player don't get an opportunity to say no to or express discomfort with the behavior. The game, for example, railroads you into being attracted to/liking Oberon, whereas his immediate forwardness and touchiness, even when the MC shows as little interest in him we are allowed to, made me as a player very uncomfortable.  I just wanted to put that out there for anyone else thinking of playing this who has trauma/is touch-averse/prefers a slower pace.

Overall, this is a nice project that I'm glad is resonating with other players, even if it wasn't wholly my cup of tea, no pun intended. :)