I apologise for my generosity and for wasting my time to offer you something out of the goodness of my heart. Please don't send me a pipe bomb for my efforts!
I thought you said you didn't want to waste time signing up with sites during 1 hour game jams and so I offered you a solution. Nothing is stopping you from still making your own version with whatever features you wanted. I just offered you a working solution you could use right NOW during your weekly sessions UNTIL whatever system you are making is done.
I did not expect you to be this ungrateful for me dropping my price by 100% to give you a proven tool as the only response to your 2 week old post. Remind me to not do anything good for people in future. Apparently they will just spit in my face for doing so.
Here's a thought: DON'T download the tool. Problem solved.
Sheesh. If you want a features request list, look at Sparks and just include everything they offer. Done.