My 1st time concepting the character! His name is "Robert Jefferson".
Helpful: True
Principal Poster: This guy is a really nice guy. And he gives you a speedy run just only for 10-20 seconds! That is a only option for that.
Paulor94's house poster: This man is come's from the office work from the headquarter. This guy is a really helpful to the student. Which is you. He gives you a speed run just only for 10-20 seconds. He needs to get more of them for 1 minute and 50 seconds. So wait until he gets a new one.
Follow The Player: No
Lethal: False
Object: Walk near him and he gives you a speed run.
Voice: Ryan
Voiceline: Here is your speed run! I hope you avoid getting caught by a killable character!
And Paulor94. If you like my character concept idea, reply to me!