Here are some more hints (with the solution at the bottom if you want to skip to it):
- The plants are unimportant.
- There isn't any probability involved.
- The max number of times you'd move in the same direction (in a row) is 9. The min is 2.
[Solution, put it into to translate]:
Gur ahzore ba gur pneq pbeerfcbaqf gb ubj znal gvzrf lbh zbir va gung qverpgvba. Fb vs gur svefg pneq vf gur 3 bs fpvffbef naq gur frpbaq vf gur 4 bs cncre, lbh'q zbir 3 gvzrf va gur fpvffbef qverpgvba sbyybjrq ol 4 gvzrf va gur cncre qverpgvba, rgp.