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Playing Adastra for the first time in a week ago and finished it today is such a beautiful experience of filling with emotions and great execution in this excellent Visual novel game. it's filled with humor and seriousness and full of surprises to be sure but a welcome one. I am looking forward for another Thrilling journey again if the main like whole new sequel other than the two. (most likely referring to Adastra 2 if there is gonna be one continuing the perspective of the Human) and this is the only Visual novel that I felt very overwhelming like it should be a series, well it is now hahaha. still shocked and cried awfully like a baby at the end because it make me feel a lot connected with the characters and the story, especially Amicus at this point and somehow.. there is an end of the first Novel that had me emotionally devastated when it comes to an end basically ha ha ha ha ha. still all the experience from this Novel teaches me to be firm and steady from all of things like motivating me and to think a wise choice to make in the present. and to the point to acknowledging someone and learning about this examples of people. and although I am not very poetic at all, I am simply just sharing my emotional experience to be Honest. even I finished it by choosing the best choices.. I feel having 2nd thoughts playing again, even though I got The better one to say the least. but that doesn't stop me from Memorizing all the events that occurring in the entire Novel ho! ho! it's still here and forever will be! I am even out of words on what to say next ha ha ha. it feels like an eternity to play and get to attached to these types of fascinating and Unique characters and yes obviously Amicus! the main one to be precise. this is the only Novel game that drives me into an emotional rollercoaster and based on real problems in life that makes me understand certain types of things mostly and willing to look forward following this series as it goes on I hope so. and I will be astonished and thrilled if there is a new sequel. and wow. this is the only long feedback I have given and excuse me if there is a wrong grammar in my reply. anyways. I am off playing the second sequel! 


Just played again only to find myself chicken out at the end. I can't get to reach the end devastate myself again XD


literally same. its amazing theyre able to  get such raw emotions like that! such a fantastic game


Ikr, I can't wait the update of Interea
