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Hi, I'm sorry but I never use cocoon for build this project. But I'll ask you some question :

  1. Are you sure you have installed the correct plugin?
  2. Have you tried to debug the app? You can find the detail of error when debug an APK.
  3. Are you sure there's no error in server-side (your Facebook developer app page), I heard that recently Facebook only allows https protocol to call their API.

If you don't mind, you can try to build the APK locally using Cordova (like what I did).

Hi, thanks your prompt answer.

Yes I have installed the correct plugin, and I tried the debugging but seems like the facebook popup isn't opening at all.

Also I just set the Facebook developer app, but as you say it just works with the device or with https protocol. So locally this doesn't work.

Do you have a guide or something to make the APK with cordova with all the things needed to make it work? thanks you for everything.

Deleted 6 years ago

Got the thing worked :D thanks for your hard work in the event sheet


Hi, sorry for the late reply. 

Really? Glad to hear them. Also thanks for purchased this product.

Tell me if there's anything that you don't understand, or anything that will improve this product.

Dude, you  have to check and update one line for made it work, for example in the javascript, about the permissions, right now facebook is screwing with everything. Also update the guide to install and make the facebook dev app work correctly, and so far these are my feedbacks. Nice work here, thx :D