Inside game editor (world editor) i know, this is possible by editing an exist save file but its not very easy and takes long time
Tower ranges overlay same from classic version
Olive trees simply another happiness source, "Olive trees --> Olive grove --> Olive Press" equivalent to "Grapes --> Vineyard --> Winery". olives can be found commonly in mediterranean generation around grasslands or savannas
Taskmaster levels: lvl1: like current but only gives +2 administration and -2 happiness, lvl2: upgrade cost: -10 wood -5 limestone -1 worker (building time is unspecified), result: +4 adm -4 hpy -1 worker, lvl3: upgrade cost: -10 wood -10 limestone -1 worker (building time is unspecified), result: +6 adm -6 hpy -1 worker
"Northern" world type that feather: no deserts/savannas/swamps/ no grapes/fertilized soil/ rarely mountains/grasslands/forests/oceans commonly new biomes: (snowy/ice/frozen/could) (grassland variant)/(snowy/ice/frozen/could) (pinewood/pinewoods/sprucewood/sprucewoods/spruceforest/spruceland/sprucelands/pineland/pinelands/pineforest/coniferforest/coniferwood/coniferwoods/coniferland/coniferlands/taiga)/(pinewood/pinewoods/sprucewood/sprucewoods/spruceforest/spruceland/sprucelands/pineland/pinelands/pineforest/coniferforest/coniferwood/coniferwoods/coniferland/coniferlands/taiga)/(snowy/ice/frozen/could) (mountain variant)/(snowy/ice/frozen/could) (ocean variant) new hexes: pines hexes that equivalent to trees hexes (slower walking, +1 more wood product then normal trees), snow hex (slower walking, you cant place farms on it, cant place pasture on it), ice hex (slower walking, cant place anything on it), deposit/trees/anything with texture of snow hex instead of grass, trees/peaks with texture of snow on top (like a snowy peak), gravel (cant place farms on it), trees/deposit/anything with texture of gravel (gravel texture is like a brown hex)
Granite a rare type of stone that allow you to go to even higher level then limestone on buildings like walls, housing, bakeries, windmills. granite can commonly found in deserts or savannas next to hill spawns.