☆ Okay so apparently I can write a bio that is more than a few hundred pages down that's fun! I need to add a few more things to it but here it is 😭 ♡︎
Character Bio Template |
Name: Nickname(s): Name significance/meaning: Gender: Age: Birthday: Deathday: Star Sign/Astrology Sign/Zodiac Sign: Location: Birthplace: Ethnicity: Nationality: Race: Physical Appearance: Skin Tone: Complexion: Eye Color: Natural Hair Color: Height: Weight: Body Type: Build: Posture: Birthmarks: Scars: Lefthanded/Righthanded/Ambidextrous: Age Character Appears to Others: Dyed Hair Color: Usual Hairstyle: Tattoos: Piercings: Makeup Style: Clothing Style: Clothing Size: Shoe Style: Shoe Size: Nail Appearance: Eyebrow Shape: Features: Face Shape: Facial Hair: Voice: Distinguishing Feature: Extrovert or Introvert: Personality Traits: MBTI Personality: Optimist or Pessimist: Temperament: Mood: Attitude: Strengths: Flaws: Mannerisms: Habits: Morning Person or Night Owl: Pet Peeves: Favorite Sin: Favorite Virtue: Weakness: Strengths: Expressiveness: Ruled by Heart or Mind: Mindset: Philosophy: Motivated by: Everyday Speech: Life Motto: Energy Level: Memory Level: Disabilities: Phobias: Addictions: General aptitude: Mental Strengths: Mental Weakness: Physical Strengths: Physical Weakness: Past Illnesses: Major Surgeries: Accidents: Stability: Allergies: Job Title: Company: Career Type: Education: College: Work Ethic: Job History: Income: Political Party/Organizations: Volunteer Work: Dream job: What job would s/he do poorly at: Career satisfaction: Diet: Favorite Foods: Favorite Drinks: Favorite Movie: Favorite Music: Favorite Book: Favorite Place: Favorite activities: Favorite time of day: What makes them happy? What makes them sad? Hobbies: Interests: Favorite animal: Loves to do: Hates to do: Inspired by: Raised by: (family) Parent Status: Mother’s Name: Mother’s Age: Mother’s Background: Father’s Name: Father’s Age: Father’s Background: Relationship with Mother: Relationship with Father: Parenting Type: Only Child? First Born, Middle Child, or Youngest? # of Siblings: Relationship with Siblings: Extended Family: Family Relations: How has family life shaped the character? What they like most about their family: What they dislike most about their family: Children: Pets: Best Friend(s): Worst Enemy: Many acquaintances or few close friends? Sexual Preference: Orientation: Relationship Status: Marital Status: First Love: Current Love or Aspiring Love: Notable Ex-Lovers: Top 3 Loved Ones: Top 3 Disliked Ones: Who knows the character best? Childhood: Adolescence: Young Adult: Adult: Coming of Age: Moments/Experiences that shaped them: How have they changed as a person throughout their life? Major regrets: Biggest life lessons learned: Religious Beliefs: Upbringing: Core Values: Morals: What does s/he believe is evil? What does s/he believe is good? Risks Worth Taking: Important milestones: Achievements: Failures: Lifestyle: Character Traits: Culture: Main Goal: Minor Goal: Desire: Biggest mistakes: Life lessons: Dream Life: Worst Nightmare: Favorite Memories: Least favorite memories: Things they want in life: Things they don’t want in life: What obstacles are currently in their way? Any secrets: Worldview: Personal Hero: Internal Conflict: External Conflict: What others think of them: What they think of themselves: What they wish they could change: What they wish they could have: What gets them fired up: Their definition of a good life: Risks worth taking: Things they take for granted: What inspires them: What they have doubts about: What makes them feel alive: What makes them want to do better: What do they want to be remembered for? How will the character change? |