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I was really trying hard, but I was just not able to collect enough packages in the normal mode, partly due to bad game design, but I will elaborate on it and give you some tips 😉

Why did you choose for the character to run from top to bottom? You have way more space horizontally which increases the time the player has to react to obstacles and packages. If you really want to stick to top-to-bottom, then at least position the character at the top of the screen to, again, increase the reaction time the player has. I often had no chance to catch packages or avoid obstacles in time, which is super annoying and frustrating.

Give the player a nice start. What I mean with that, don't spawn any obstacles for the first 5 seconds to avoid the player to instantly die. Also super annyoing and frustrating, but less because it happened right at the start.

Some obstacles spawned into each other. Not that big of a deal, but can also be improved in a future version.

Your game is stuttering from time to time. No idea what happens there tbh.


While I usually appreciate feedback I receive, I find the wording of this a little offensive, as if I have never done software or game development before. Nonetheless, I will try to address the points you have mentioned.

When I started planning the game, I didn’t consider whether vertical or horizontal running would be more efficient in completing the game’s objectives, because I would’ve left that up for experimentation; additionally, I needed to make a design that would work on mobile devices as well. I designed the game loop in such a way that when the player reaches a certain point on the may, they teleport back to the top, and everything is re-generated on a random basis. The only way I could get it to look remotely seamless in the time that I had was to compromise by not having the player start at the top. Sometimes it’s not that seamless because the obstacles can generate in the region where teleporting occurs.

I also had initially written the prototype in C# with Godot before realizing that, besides going over the 3hr limit, I was nowhere near done because I felt that I was too slow in C#. I practically reset the timer and redid all of the work I did in GDScript, and added other features such as the power-ups. I had a build ready and up for testing, but I didn’t receive enough feedback to warrant any major game-changing changes. I kept the game as it was, added the missing assets, and submitted. I’d also like to point out that my time was limited, because I visit family members on the weekends to play cards in the summer.

I acknowledge that there are areas for improvement, as I did notice a few bugs in the endless mode; however, given the circumstances, I did not have the time to be able to make these changes before the deadline.


Ok, I agree with you, that I might have started of with a bad wording. I'm really sorry for this. Overall your game works very well, but I really got frustrated because of not having enough control over the player due to the short reaction time that was given to me. Some times I really had no way to avoid obstacles, because in addition they spawned in a bunch.

I completely understand that you made this game in a short period of time and that making games is slowed down by surprising bugs. I really like the music and sound and the option that you could turn them off. The controls feel nice. Thanks for the explanation that you made the game for mobile too, I somehow missed that. In that regard it actually makes sense to have the character run from top-to-down. 

However, I would really much appreciate it if you are able to position the player at the top to provide the additional reaction time. This would make your game so much better 😉

Anyway, good luck for your future games.