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This is such a weird question but, what is Jaylene's eye color? Like how would you describe it as? There's no real reason why I'm asking it's just that me and a friend disagree on it lol


srry for the late response but this is an interesting question, so early in production, I thought it would be cool for Jaylene to have eye powers so I gave her the unnatural eye color of purple on the bottom of her pupil, with turquoise on top to signify that she has eye powers I guess. but that was later dropped and she no longer has eye powers but I kept the inhuman eye color, but if you played the other routes then it might make sense why she has such an unnatural eye color so it worked out in the long run.

but if Jaylene had to describe her eye color to people then she would say she has a weird form of Central Heterochromia and would argue that the purple is just blue somehow so I'll just go with that then. sorry for long rant jut thought it was a cool question that comes with lore