The item that is supposed to prevent charm/confusion doesn't.
Some odd spelling. Not sure if obelisk is intentionally misspelled or not.
I eventually settled into a very standard pattern of buff cycles and then attacking. Nice that the double attack power thing actually had a use. Too many games make it useless.
Final boss spammed charge for several turns. Not sure if intended.
Maps were a bit big, so there is little chance that the game can be beaten in 1 hour. I spent closer to 2 hours.
Final boss was a bit annoying to fight. He managed to one shot my healer even with buffs and then targeted her again after I revived her, so I had to revive her again.
Funny thing about reflect is it activates on any magic attack that hits the character, not just ones that target that character specifically, so you can see the animation again at an odd timing.
A lot of single hit animations are just kind of off and make it hard to see what character it is targetting.
Not sure if you needed such a fancy animation for wait and see.