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That was a bit of a grind. I had to give up once the game started throwing 50 ships at a time at you, each attacking for 1/3 of my crystals


Ty for the feedback, I have to lower the amount of enemies when the notoriety is high. Did you manage to get the wasp missile?


Yes, via LOTS of grinding. Like I'm still feeling wrist pain from it a week later. It's worth it, though!

What I would recommend is that they don't touch crystals (and maybe very few chips, SUPER rarely). It might make it too easy, but it would also reduce frustration.

It's such a fun game and destroyed me for similar games in the genre, I noticed.


Enemies shouldn't remove circuits or crystals I will check that

Yeah, it wiped out about 4 hours worth of crystal grinding in one hit.

I had to step away at that point