Hey junkbytes can you add a setting that makes it how high the AI and the player can jump because I hate having my enemy jump all over the place when trying to kill them.
This has been mentioned before as a suggestion, however it is a lot harder to make than it sounds :(
I recommend playing on open large maps, such as "D-day" maps, as the bots jump less there. You can also use Caps Lock / F2 which toggles slow motion.
Long story:
Bots need AI waypoints for each map to be able to navigate around it. "waypoints" are essentially paths from/to numerous points on the map.
When you "Build AI waypoints" for a map in the map editor, what really happens is that dummy soldiers try to traverse each of these paths (in about x1000 real-time). When the process is complete, each path is marked as valid depending on whether the soldier managed to reach its end.
The problem with the above process is that the test must be done with the same stats as it is done in-game. This means that jump speed, walk speed and gravity must be constant. Otherwise, the bots will be unable to guess whether a path is crossable with their new stats.
So it can't really be done. Sorry :(