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I'd be happy to add some more index pages with some specific info! I originally intended on having the species name and point value but its quite hard to get a lot of text in such a low resolution. To satisfy your curiosity though, the list of species I used is as follows:

Agaricus Bisporus(Button Mushroom)

Agaricus Bitorquis(Pavement Mushroom)

Amanita Caesaria(Caesar's Mushroom)

Amanita Muscaria(Fly Agaric)

Amanita Phalloides(Death Cap)

Flammulina Velutipes(Velvet Shank)

Galerina Marginata(Skullcap)

Laetiporus Sulfureous(Chicken of the Woods)

Morchella Nigra(Black Morel)

Omphalatus Illudens(Jack o Lantern)

Phallus Impudicus(Stinkhorn)

Pleurotus Ostreatus(White Oyster)

Thanks for the list! Damn, most of these are the more risky "gilled" mushrooms, where's the boletus??