Hello, my name is pi_pi3, I'm a developer since 1.5 years and am looking for an artist to team up for this LD. I'm an amateur and an enthusiast, rather than a pro, so I won't mind if you don't have any professional experience. I also don't care about your age, as long as you act mature enough. However I do care about the quality and quantity of your work. It would have to be at least as good as mine (don't worry, I'm a bad artist). It'd perfect if you can do 3D and 2D, but it's fine if you can only do 2D. If you can do music and sound stuff too, it's even better, but it's not necessary.
Edit: My engine doesn't have animation support yet, so only static models matter. Therefore all entities would look better if they we're 2.5D (flat textured planes)
I did Ludum Dare 30, 32 and 33. Here's me on Ludum Dare. And here's my Twitter and my itch.io page.
I'd like to make a 3D or 2.5D game for this LD, as I'm developing a 3D engine. It would be a great test for both myself, the engine and you, if you're interested.
I'd probably put about 40 hours of work into it.
I live in Europe, so timezone stuff, you get the drill.
Free feel to contact me on Twitter, or per email: pi.pi314159265358979323846@gmail.com