yeah, not being able to move springboards in the opposite direction of the spring was intentional, and was used in the design of a few puzzles to prevent cheese, but I do think it gets frustrating for the player, so if I were to seriously expand the game I might change that. I do think it’s natural for people to expect to be able to move the boxes anywhere provided there’s no barriers, so I don’t think that was the greatest design choice. However, another reason I decided on that was just because adding a grab button would be a good chunk of extra work to implement with the loop mechanic (considering pushing is just using colliders), which in a full game would be worth it but not so much in a game jam. We’re working on a small update for the game, and depending on how things go, may add a grab function, probably based on if we can find a way to do it without sacrificing the levels that currently rely on it not being there.