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Thank you for the reports! Just to clear some stuff up:

"Explored dungeons and map replaced after being explored"

- This is because the system doesn't keep track of what you have/haven't seen between sessions, otherwise the save file would be gigantic. I also don't save individual tiles of maps, relying instead on seeded procedural generation to recreate them. If you can show me an example of the same location being different between sessions, I'd like to know. It pulls random values in sequence based on the coordinates, so it should always be the same. 

"When you try to clear the quest and go to the world map, there is, just like most quests, a yellow triangle guiding you to the quest destination, however, it leads you to the bottom left part of the map which when you reach there, the "!" is outside of the map and you can't reach there"

- Definitely a bug, but the quest doesn't require you to go to any specific location, only get him some human flesh to eat. I'll look into the odd placement of the quest icon.

"Igloo like structure at taiga not spawn/Exceptions at cities with chests/Exception in my new house"

- Found the issue, and remedied for an upcoming hotfix!

"I found a purple enemy called Demigod, just by entering on the map which he was triggered a lot of exceptions, when I tried to fight him,"

I'll look into that specific one. Last I checked, they were working fine. I'll also put my thoughts on the save data issue in the suggestions thread. Thanks again!

>If you can show me an example of the same location being different between sessions, I'd like to know

That was on ruins dungeons iirc