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Big thanks for your bug and improvement report again!

I'll definitely consider adding a panel which asks if a building should be placed or not and I'll care about the bug with the message panel.

The clipping issue is meant to be a function not a bug ; ) It prevents getting pushed into the universe when a new building and new colliders are instantiated near the player. The colliders will become active when the player moves away from the new building afterwards.

Yeah the terraforming can be quite heavy near rivers and mountains. But at least your workers won't walk into water. (Let's consider it to be the Netherlands function ;)

I'll improve the 3D Models inside the buildings for sure! In fact, I planned some dependencies on the supply with copper ware, furniture, wool, etc. just as you mentioned.

The water issue with the quarry is not solved yet. I have to think a little bit how to fix this, as the water level is global for the whole game and the quarry may go beyond it at some times.

The idea to make tabs for the research menu is good. I'll implement it in a version in the future. Returning some of the building material when destroying houses is a good feature, too!

For the saving function: I'm a little bit sorry, but this feature will first be implemented in the final version, or an early access version (I'm still not sure, if I want to support the idea of EA and if it is helpful for the development of the game, if the community wants to have one, etc)

You can imagine the saving function as a way to rebuild the entire game and then store it to some variables. As this is some work, I'll want to make sure, that the game runs stable before and the most bugs are fixed.

(1 edit)

You are ,as always, welcome.

It is a feature not a bug then fine by me ;)

Nothing against the Netherland function then. In fact a nice idea! Just some random idea which got in my head, why not have some "netherland"fishers near the water then? As a new food ressource ;o)

Sounds good. I can´t wait to spend more time into the game. Personally i would support the "early access" idea and i would gladly pay for the game again.( More or less invited you to 3 beers in a tavern here, Cheers!)

As always keep up the good work! And i am looking forward to the next version.

Yeah, I had the idea of some "netherland fishers" in mind, too. ; ) Let's see, maybe I'll have the time in on of the next updates.
While we're at it: the next update will be released in a couple of days - probably end of next week.
Thanks for the beer ; ) - maybe I can return the favor by naming the innkeeper of the tavern Brummbaer ; )

Looking forward to it!

I would be fine with a bear head banner similiar to the Rhodoks one in Warband :P but owning a tavern sounds good too ;-)