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I just poked around in version 1.5.5 and it looks great. You guys are doing awesome work.

I noticed a couple of things though:

- Importing an XML file for Fight Club is weird. After importing the file the monster tab in epicGM will only show the monsters from Aarakocra to Atropal even though the actual MyBestiaryCompendium.xml-file contains all the monsters. (Additionally the entire process seems pretty clunky.)

- Rolling initiative without the "One Initiative"-option doesn't add numbers to monsters of the same type. The numbers should be added just like with the option to make it easier to tell the monsters apart. (Also please think about adding 0000 to the first monster of a type for a more consistent look)

- Adding multiple monsters of the same type is clunky as Initiative opens automatically and then you have to go back to the monster list to add another one. Could you maybe add a slider to determine on how many monsters of a type to add to initiative?

-Please add a way to delete individual entries from the initiative list

- Please add a confirmation window to deleting the initative list

- Please add a way to organize the player list by groups

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Hi there!

Would it be possible to see your fight club XML and bestiary XML? Also, I agree with the clunkiness of the import system, the longterm goal has always been to integrate with a form of file server/sharing system.

Noted on the monster name on initiative and for adding multiple monsters, and clearing the initiative list.

Dragging the hp bar of characters on initiative to 0 will give you a delete menu to allow you to delete characters one by one.

Regarding organising players by groups, would you say adding a field for player groups and sorting players by that field would work for your needs?

Again, thank you for your feedback :)

*Edit: I've looked into this and you may have some duplicate entries in your XML. I'll deploy an update soon to check for this. But if you can, I would still like to see your xml files. Much obliged!

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Wow that was quick. Thanks a lot. :)

Yes a field for player group would be perfect.

Well I'm not sure how to send you my Bestiary XML but I imported "CorePlusUnearthedArcana.xml" from  here. After I ran into problems, I deleted the Gavelsoft folder from Users\*\AppData\LocalLow and my installation folder and tried importing to a clean install -> same problem. So the only thing that was present before importing was the preinstalled stuff.


I just checked in 1.5.6 and the issue is still present.

Thank you, your feedbacks have been  very helpful. The latest patch should fix the issue with FC XML. 

The rest of the changes will need a bit more revisions and will probably come in a future update.

No, I have to thank you. ;) I can confirm that the latest release fixes the issue.

One more request though: Could you add a search bar to the compendium at the top level, so that I don't have to chose a category to search in? That would speed up searches when I know what I'm looking for.

Yes, we can add that in the next update.