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This is an entertaining NSFW game with plenty of very graphic gay sex scenes.

However this game is spoilt by Y Press Games lack of knowledge about prison life.

I personally have never been in prison, but a close friend of mine did some really foolish things which resulted in him being jailed for several years.

From  what he has told me about his time in prison most inmates just want to blend in with the other inmates and survive unscathed until they have served their time.

The totally unrealistic fictional plot of this game has virtually each and every single character desperately seeking a loving relationship.

Y Press Games seem to also think that every inmate in prison is gay as there is simply not one single inmate in this game who is heterosexual. 

Y Press Games do not understand that there are many inmates in prison whom are very bigoted and strongly homophobic and would do grievous bodily harm to gay men and take pleasure in the pain they inflict.

Prison life is all about survival and trying to keeping out of any trouble which could jeopardise your personal safety and ruin your chance of early release or parole