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sick. as. hell.

Love the animation, the sounds, the screen effects, the attack indicators, all the fun attacks all the bosses do, the dialog, everything.  What a great jam game!  And you've struck a great balance by reducing the health of the boss after a death, meaning jammers of all skill levels can keep trying, but you can also make the bosses difficult and have all kinds of sick moves.  The only thing I'd ask for selfishly is a phase 3 for the final boss :)    Definitely one of my favorites! perfect scores all round


Wow thanks so much! Thanks a ton for all the kind words. Also I'm glad you appreciated the attack indicators specifically, I spent a lot of time trying to make sure the attacks felt fair and the player would know exactly where the damage zones would be, so thanks for mentioning that!

I had a phase 3 planned for the final boss but I ran out of time haha, maybe something for the post-jam version! Thanks again for playing!