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absolutely perfect! fits the theme spectacularly, I love the hectic nature of trying swat the enemies away from your egg although it did get hectic around 30 seconds but that's just the nature of the game. the music was nice and the sound effects were great!(question was the egg sound from online you did you break and egg in your house and put it in the game).there was one bug where on my first attempt the egg just tipped over on its own and i lost. besides that, AWSOME!

also, if you dont mind, could you rate my game?

(1 edit)

I'm French and I didn't know the word "hectic". Thank you for improving my English :)

Thank you for all that compliments, it's nice to read :)

(I've played you game , I rated it and I let you a comment ;)


I forgot to answer you on a point : yes, i broke an egg in my house and recorded the sound :D