Hey there! Thanks for checking out Going Over, and giving your thoughts! Really appreciate it. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated, and will be considered for any revisions that need to be made.
Doing a one-pager was an experiment for me, because I tend to be long-winded. Wanted to address the Getting Over and Going Home points. A match is meant to end when you get a Going Home point, and roll 1d6. If you roll under your current Going Home points, the match continues. If you roll that number or higher, you go into the finish. Roll 1d6 again, and if you roll above your Getting Over points, then you're booked to win. Either way, journal the finish of the match, how you figure the crowd would react, and what your character's thoughts and feelings on the finish would be. From there, you could start another match with that character, or try something else. I could revise this to make it more clear, in the text.
I did write this with an intent to firmly entrench it within almost obnoxious smarkiness. Perhaps a revision could include a glossary, or I could give some definitions here in the store page description. Thank you for pointing that out, I could stand to make the game more accessible to those outside that audience.
I am there with you on needing a distraction, right now. The small indie I've recently joined up with is just starting to put on live shows again (socially distanced, screened, and all), but I don't know how much longer that'll be the case with COVID numbers rising again. For now, glad that this could provide a distraction for you, hope it was enjoyable, and thank you so much for the support!