DevBlog #5
Target Xplosion 4th alpha (0.5.3)
Hello everyone.
I didn't posted anything since the last devblog, because I was very busy during those last months So I couldn't work on the fourth level as expected. Instead, I focused my work on some improvements:
- Ouranos' paterns (the third boss)
- Gamepad support
The last patterns of the third boss are harder in comparison with what you got in the previous alpha, because in this level, you have a very powerful item in the game (the bomb).
Gamepad Support
The game already has gamepad support, but it wasn't complete. Indeed, you couldn't change how you control the ship. In this version, this problem has been fixed.
I decided not to publish the Linux version of this alpha, because the game has several bugs I don't have on Windows.
So you can only get the Windows version.
Next step
I think it's time to work on the fourth level.
Stay tuned!