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Consoles - Extremely not priority, but like steam and VR I imagine it is being considered already. (Priority for just those three would be steam, VR and Console are a bit of a different horse ride)

Combat + Blacksmith = Not happening, It's one of the suggestions that is usually shot down pretty.... definitively?.. by Dasius, though I imagine he's not going to shoot em down every time. - Wildlife is likely pretty low on priority as well, but hiring NPCs/customers to fight for materials is something that hasn't been dismissed, so SEEING wildlife might happen. - something like watching the occasional  (insert flyer) go over head or something

Seasons I believe are being heavily considered, Though it may just end up being "Seasonal update so the map gets a weather change"

Hiring suggestion - several times suggested, hasn't been dismissed, seems like it might be under consideration.

Making armor - Planned
Repairing armor/items for customers instead of making and selling them - Planned as well, If I recall.... Or maybe I read too much into responses to these suggestions, I dunno.

Quickly back on the Hiring - Assistants are actually on the Roadmap - So. Very Planned.
Shop raids/Theives/etc - Dasius stated that he was considering and working on something "similar" to that effect, so - semi-planned - Not Combat, but a "while you were away, you left your door open and" kinda thing, I would assume, and assistants would probably play into that, one of which likely being security, while having them, in general, in the shop while you're not, would reduce the likelihood and such

Reasons for Traveling (Mining was spread further apart I assume mostly for that purpose) there's also stuff hidden around the map (apart from the crystals) and there will likely be more and in different places in different updates (probably) - Something about Blueprints/unique though I think is likely, though not sure to what kinda extent, I feel like there was a tease of something like that this christmas seasonal stuff, but I never personally saw/found it.

Multiplayer is heavily in consideration, though not priority, just planned to possibly be had.

Unique is kinda a branch of what we already have in specifications, as well as coming from sources like the Church or King - So I imagine, Planned, but don't quote me on that one, I could very easily be misreading statements.

Deeper mine - very planned, and we already have one segment of deeper mine with one area of "pre-built" and its "dangerous" (hard, technically deadly but not combat wise) to reach and you do get "goodies" for doing so, though not special goodies that would be worth a fortune. (yet)

Optimization is always something devs have planned and work on and off on.

"more weaponry and things" - Pretty planned.

factions/fame (Reputation) - Has been... juggled? around here and there as being a possibility, though I don't think I've seen it definitely considered.