Absolutely incredible job! You managed to pack a lot of depth into this in such a short timeframe. The mobility mechanics were fun and had a certain precision to them that felt good. You really knocked the exploration and progression out of the park, and I appreciated the ending heads up a lot given I'd missed a coin along the way. The combat seemed largely superfluous, but that's far preferable to it being an interruption or an annoyance. Pretty sure I fired the bow once just to test it out, but maybe I would've used it more if I'd spent more time in Look Ahead mode. I also never felt the need to use the shield. I think they'd have been well served to solve environmental puzzles/hazards, but it was still cool to have them as combat options even if they sat unused.
There are some minor nitpicks, here and there; some grating sound effects, stationary arrows caused damage, an awkward checkpoint position lead to some frustration near the end. But overall, this was fantastic. The Artemis franchise is going places.