Really solid!
So, it's an interesting concept that mostly delivers, and I think I might go back and replay one of the other characters if time permits, as I want to get a feel for whether some of my nitpicks are specific to Hrld or just the overall design.
- A very unique mechanic (and I know a little about those!)
- On there's a risk/reward feel that can be pretty engaging, especially at the beginning
- Choices! (even if it's just which boss you fight)
- Difficulty is fair and seems reasonably tuned, with some caveats below
- No scaling of random fights (or maybe quantity per troop but not new encounters? hard to say)
- Enemies with MP damage abilities are exponentially more deadly than those without (unless you have unlimited stock of Potion + Coffee like I did toward the end) - could be a Harold character issue due to limited MP
- Illusion of choice in some respects - the minibosses are kind of different and one was substantially weaker than the others from what I saw, but not enough to really impact one's approach to gameplay
- In the latter half the fights become a bit of a slog and basically just further pad your Potion stack (I had 14 potions, 12 coffees and 6 Magic waters starting the main fight)
Overall, very fun, and even my critiques are just things that could be better, not stuff that's bad. I could see this becoming a full project or being further explored in future jams to enhance the mechanics.