Thanks for the support ! That's pretty cool. Chances would be higher if you can find a link to a freely available 3D model for it :-)
This is the closest thing I could find it's not very high texture or poly but it does have animated landing gear maybe with a nice skin, little bit more speed than the F-22 Raptor & the cockpit of the F-35 this could work I converted sktechfab models into blender then MSFS 2020 so it should work but i'm not skilled enough to make things fly like you. Let me know what you think.
The only other thing that comes close to the X-44 MANTA & happens to be downloadable w/ a cockpit that opens & landing gear animations is this not the best poly again maybe a skin could help fix a little idk. Any of these would be fun also, or just for a few ideas. Thanks for the opportunity to share!!! FYI everyone I talk to says that the F-22 Raptor & F-35B VTOL are a lot better than the payware F-15/F-14 & fly nicer! 💯 Big props. I know you didn't do the F-22 but your F-16 is really up there also. Congrats bro.
No problem man your welcome. That one should work as the X-44 MANTA! It would be really sick since all the flaps seem to move also the afterburner has flaps. Hopefully she will fly nice. It's real cool what you are doing & your a big influence on the sim community. I envy your skills. Weather you make it or not I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work on behalf of the community bro!!!