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This game is undoubtedly fun to play and really interesting. But there are a few things which need to be fixed, first, the controls are way too off, the player is sliding and sometimes the actions happen in a delay which feels really odd. Also, the entire game levels seem to be packed with no free space to jump freely, which is also running up the feel of the game. 

Thanks for the feedback! I will definitely take note of the controls in my feature games because I too feel that the controls kind of make you feel like you're on ice. As for the level design, I definitely understand the feeling of being claustrophobic in the levels in this game. I will take note of all this for my games in the feature.

That sounds great!

Future You mean?

Sorry autocorrect

Haha… Very funny

Yeah... Just like you taking a Scratch game and trying to make money on it.

you are still on about that??

Yes you are literally trying to make money off of someone's work that is free

That was my first game i had no idea how to use this website so I made that

Deleted 1 year ago