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(5 edits)

Haven't finished the game yet so i'll put further review/bug finding once i do, but so far i'm really enjoying this game!

So apparently this also became my bug-posting thread XD i'll update this with more bugs as i find them, and likely post a better review in the replies? Still loving this game btw even though i've had yet to be able to beat it. (Added in edit 3) 

Only issues i've found so far are bits when i thought i tracked the tracker down to 0M, only to dig in the wrong spot. And well, clipping through the river boundaries as shown in this video. WARNING: Intense screen shaking as a result of using the portal gun rapidly. Honestly the vid was at first just meant to be a little "Hey look! I'm stuck cause of the portal gun! How silly!" but then i broke the game even more as i made the vid XD I don't even know entirely how XD 

EDIT: So apparently that weird arrow thing i was trying to follow which ended up causing me to break the game, was infact the black hole gun which for some reason ended up being stuck in the hole i found it in, therefore not letting me obtain it... .-.

EDIT 2: So now i have video proof (Minor screen shaking, get a discord notice early on) about the black hole gun being stuck, and also stumbled upon even more glitches afterwards. (Also at about 3min in i try to salvage the black hole gun but kinnda mess up the attempt rip.)

EDIT 3: So apparently if an item is in a wormhole and you use a black hole, it will teleport to the other black hole upon the closing of the black hole, UNLESS, you first put the black hole on the currently-present option in the wormhole. At which point the game freezes, before crashing the entire page. Also i think that to get the black hole gun you MUST have the button timer going, which is why i failed to get it before thus causing previous halts in progression. Other bugs may or may not be related, idk. (Found to be false, infact messes with the pathing instead.)

EDIT 4: Welp. That happened. Got softlocked with no clue where the treasure could be. Welp. XD

FINALLY! I managed to beat the game. Ok, so, fantastic game, cute visuals, cute soundtrack. I agree with the jam's comments that the music can be repetitive and the NPC hitbox is too big (which can infact cause a near-infinate loop of dialogue) but it's still fantastic.

As far as the bugs go, honestly? The biggest one was the black hole gun glitch. Which, contrary to one of my edits, wasn't really linked to the button it seems, infact the button actually ruins the pathing and takes you back to the button instead of leading you to the actual treasure.

If the black hole gun didn't get stuck multiple times, I honestly likely would not have found most of the glitches that I did, as edits 1 and 2 were both started by being unable to get the black hole gun.

I also suggest checkpoints. It got alittle tedious getting the same items over and over when only 1 item was the issue. To the point where in my final attempt, I got the button uncovered first try without using the tracker XD 

Expanding on the possible checkpoint system, I recommend that when you get an item, the game should save, so if you die or anything like that, you'll be sent back to when you got that item on a safe, unblocked/undug tile etc. You should also be able to restart from the checkpoint incase you get stuck. I don't know how all this would do in coding though, i'm just giving ideas.

And once again, a reminder that finding bugs does NOT affect my opinion on any game. While many of my points here were influenced by the bugs, it's more that i'd like to see the bugs fixed than a negative review. After all, if I truly hated the game, would I have played the game over and over again - as tedious as the process may have been - just to try to beat the game?