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The game itself was amazing, but the echolocation took too long to execute. Sometimes it felt that even though the first wave has faded, I was not allowed to use it again. Also, shooting the burst of sound through the smaller areas felt a little difficult, as if the bullet was coming out of the players body rather than the gun. I also felt that the longer levels could use checkpoints. I ended up quitting after I died quite far into the level, and had to restart from the beginning.

Loved the game and can't wait to see more. Hope you try my submission to the jam too and let me know your thoughts on it. Its called "The Last Wave".


Thank you for  the feedback, It definitely needs a good amount of tweaking to be considered properly finished. I plan on eventually modifying it so that your gun follows the mouse and making the projectile come out the end of it, but I couldn't quite fit that into the product as of now. Also checkpoints would definitely be nice on the longer level, again just another thing I had planned on implementing but time constraints prevented it. I'll definitely be trying your submission, and thank you again for playing!