V0.2.0 patch notes
I don't intend to patch this game often. This is a small patch of mostly QoL improvements, which I wanted to share early. The next time I update this game, I intend for it to include the full narrative.
Targeting improvements
- The crosshair doesn't get temporarily stuck in the wrong state anymore
- Hitboxes on NPCs have been adjusted to be a little easier to select
Inventory bug fix
- Empty inventory slots can no longer be selected
- NPCs can now respond to your actions in ways beyond just text
- More failure dialogue added for when you use the wrong item on an object, you silly goose
Pause screen
- You can now pause with Esc/P and quit the game via this screen
- You can now crouch with Ctrl/C! Your face can be that much closer to the ground now
- Materials and lighting have been adjusted throughout