I created an account, just to RAVE about how wonderful this game was. I started Otome adventures, with Mystic Messenger, and there has been only 1 other game thus far to fill that "void" (Love Unholyc) with this unique format.
This game is INSANELY good. I wasn't a HUGE FAN of the art style at FIRST, but once you're in the game, it's intensely different! I fell in love with the characters, and VA did SUCH an amazing job!
I cannot wait until the release of XYX route, at the end of this year or next! Hurry UP already. If anyone has any other suggestions on chat room based games like this, I'd love to try them!
I'd love to donate to the DEVS if I can, as well, if someone can point me in that direction! I love a good "free" game, but if it helps amazing dev's come up with even better games, I'm all for the monetary support! Good luck! Keep up the good work!