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The master of browser based games! You turned a universally hated part of rpgs into your central feature! True bravery. Luckily you did a lot to execute it well and take off the usual annoyances. Small map, no dead ends, very fast battles, quick and easy grinding, all made it so the battle every step had some intention. I also noticed the escalation in enemy numbers approaching bosses, which is a nice difficulty curve (I just ran from the triples though). 

I died way more than most games, often due to surprise attacks. But I realize that managing the danger levels and doing some grinding is part of the gameplay, so lesson learned!

Would have been nice to save before the final boss since he can really do a lot of damage. I felt some new moves didn't have great applications sometimes (one of Oldhar's attacks did 0 damage to the final boss when I just unlocked them).  Often, just spamming attack was more efficient. Some action sequencing was cool to see. 

I enjoyed the Harold representation as well, including your diverse artwork from Nowis and Muyuko. I beat it with all three! Would be nice to see some ultimate form as a result of winning with everyone for those completionists who played through all the storylines.

Oh, final note: this is about unplayable on mobile, maybe because I'm not certain how to control. Two finger tap seems to be only menu access, but too often I'd just move and battle, so that was a problem that made saving and using items challenging. But browser mode worked perfectly (aside from a missing asset in regular Harold story, but near enough to the end that you could plow through with retries).

Awesome review, Human! Thanks for the feedback. I'll consider this when I do my post-jam update.