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(1 edit) (+2)

I'm up to chapter 16, game is 👌

I think Hinterlands 3 dragged on a bit too long but at least Storm is cute as hell. P is also really good, I very much relate to all those intrusive thoughts...

The flashback to Asterion's sentencing was such a good part, really helps piece together Asterion's time living (as someone who knows next to nothing about real greek lore, lol.) I still don't know what happened to Laomedon and his father, though.

A small inconsistency(?) that bothered me is when you read the letter. It was addressed as being from "P" -- probably the peacock's grandpa -- but they act like it was Clement who sent the letter despite his name not being signed and MC's inability to decipher the entire letter. Even after they learn who P is from Themba, who I recruited first.

I also wanna know if the choice of god in chapter 15 matters. Does Aphrodite make things horny I NEED to know

Deleted 2 years ago

I'll give you a few spoiler-free answers.

I also wanna know if the choice of god in chapter 15 matters. 

Yes, but maybe not in the ways you think. Picking Aphrodite does not make things hornier, although that is something we could add in 0.5.1.

About the P/Clement inconsistency, when you finish the game please tell me what you think about it. I'm curious.

Thank you for your input and kind words, it's extremely appreciated.

(1 edit) (+1)

I completely forgot to reply to this, lmfao

Obviously after what happened I have more questions than answers, but...really, I just forgot that Jean explicitly said the letter was from Clement and was lying. I suppose I'm missing something, since as I learned from the survey there's a way to actually figure this out before the twist happens, so I'll need to replay


I kinda thought when Hermes said it was from the old man P could be Poseidon.

