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To be fair though, even if the language thing was changed, it's still just very difficult to get games noticed these days. Even devs with alot of know-how and resources have trouble getting anyone to see that their game even exists.  And then getting people interested in trying them is the other half of the problem.  Particularly with games this unique.  I mean, I point out stuff like 868-HACK to friends all the time, particularly since that hit Steam, but it's hard to get anyone to try it because they think it looks "weird" or confusing since it's just so different from everything else.  There's no language barrier there but still the game seems to intimidate people somehow.  And finding these games on your own is tough.  The only reason I even know about any of them is from stumbling on HACK a couple years back on TouchArcade... some article or something mentioned it, and I gave it a try and loved it.


No argument there. But boy it sure does feel like Michael is swimming upstream with this title. Again, even my friends won't try it. Now that takes something *really* off, let me tell you (I think you would appreciate that Misery, seeing as we share many of the same indie game friends). I have plenty of Steam friends that own and play 868.

I still would like an answer as to why it couldn't just have a non-language. Problem solved in one fell swoop. Anyways, I've moved on to other games and discussions, so I won't be back to this forum. Thanks for the discussion, folks.