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This is a great game! As a bisexual woman I really enjoy and am impressed by how respectful the game is towards the female characters. There's nothing non-consensual, and the MC even tells someone to not use "wh*re" as an insult to women as it's a respectable profession. Such a well executed game! :)


well the MC is right about prostitution being a respectable profession... its for a reason that its called the oldest profession and at least in germany its a job like every other - the girls pay taxes and all - just because women (and to some extent men also) sell their bodies for a certain duration doesnt mean they are allowed to be degraded... my opinion...


All countries that legalized it have done it after the Netherlands initiated it. Germany is not the only country where it is legal, and it's definitely not the first.


well... i have neither said that germany is the only one or that it was the first... its just the only country i know of, its not one of the topics i keep track or something like that


Everyone sells their time or skills for pay. It's called employment.


As a bi woman as well, this review just convinced me to pick up the game. H games where women aren't just assaulted constantly are harder to find than they should be...