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I chose Leadership, Luke, and Themba, so there are at least two characters I haven't met, but plan to.


Asterion is, unsurprisingly, a favorite. He is complex, and refuses to let things be less than complex due to everything that he's been wrongfully forced to suffer through. My favorite moment of his is probably:

 "I want. I want...? (Black screen) I want."

I cried just at the Chapter 18 title screen because of how much that first moment hit me lmao. So THANKS.


Luke is a favorite. He probably has the most Nanoff energy in terms of expressions and I adore how over the top he is. My favorite thing about the series is how despite being one of the darker and more emotionally complex VNs I've read, it's also simultaneously the funniest. Luke is a big part of that.


I won't go into too much on these ones, but P and Storm as a unit, Argos, and Themba are all interesting and complex characters. You bet I hugged one of them when given the chance and my character was much harsher than I was, although I also believe it wasn't me that should be hearing these things. Themba is such a natural addition to the cast and his optional backstory was subtle, but raw.

I'll give a special shoutout to Robert and what his backstory adds to the mythos. Robert kicks ass.


My least favorite is probably, well, You. I don't have a great grasp on them. Where they came from. The dialogue options sometimes feel out of character, especially talking to Luke early on. However, I don't think that's necessarily a negative. The neckerchief you can make for Asterion gives me some thoughts about where we've potentially come from. And even without that, it's necessary for all the possible routes and backgrounds.

What I'll say is Undertale is not worse off because the MC doesn't have dialogue outside of your choices. Although I do wonder if it would have been stronger if it was the same here, but that would rob us of moments like you and drunk Kota talking about the power you have so overall it's a net positive. But when talking about MCs, most other series I've read leave a stronger impression, despite few of them matching the complexity and background of everyone else. I think maybe that's partially it for me, too. Every other character has such a rich and thought-out background and personality that ours feels vague in comparison. 


The only thing I want to see is a scene with Luke and P doing their laughing sprites with each other, since P is so reserved about it, whereas Luke is in a constant state of almost choking.