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Great effort for your first game! I can tell a lot of love went into it, and it's certainly a clever concept. Unfortunately I don't think I'll end up finishing this entry, but here are my thoughts and I might update this later if I go back to complete the game.

Let me start with the pros first:

  • Pixel art, sound fx, and music are great.
  • Tons of humorous references (stairs menu lol), and good writing / dialog overall.
  • Neat spin on the "fight demon lord" trope (intro).

On the other hand, I quickly lost interest due to the game mechanics, which I didn't find to be satisfying. Some things I think could be improved:

  • The "teaching skills in battle" gimmick didn't start fun to me and wore out its welcome well before the end of the first battle. 
  • Encounters are scaled like you have two full characters, not 1.5 at best (being generous to Reid).
  • The encounter rate is sky high. I like fights, but when the combat isn't fun I don't want this many - just let me explore the maps (which are good) and progress the story.
  • No 100% run chance. Ties into above issue.
  • Imbalanced troop configurations that have unnecessarily sharp variance in difficulty. My second fight was an Unga Bunga, which true to form had meme-like attack power and HP considering the low number of resources available. Even having found 2 hidden-ish Apples to heal up, I almost died.
  • Some skills felt pretty useless to me, like Fire Slash which was barely better than attacking.

I hope this feedback is useful, as there's a lot of potential here!

(1 edit)

This is the first time anyone's really ripped into my game, so I appreciate the feedback!

The teaching skills mechanic was a risk for sure, but I liked it a lot going into release. As far as enjoyability goes, I see the whole mentor system as having one character in your party plus an extra turn to learn skills, buff stats, or heal. Had I nerfed the encounter scaling and rates, I feel like this would have come across better. While I could have easily had skills be permanent, I thought this would make Reid useless after a while. However, Reid does learn some valuable skills which he could use turn 1 instead of teaching forgetful Harold a skill he already learned. (Speaking of which, guaranteed escape when under half health is one of these skills! Reid learns it at level 3.)

I also should've used a region spawn to have Unga Bunga only spawn near the cliffs in the main overworld. Since you'll probably be higher level by the time you head for the cliffs, it makes sense to have the stronger enemies spawn there. During one test run, I had a nasty encounter with an Unga Bunga at level 1 and got away with <15 hp on both characters. Unga Bungas are pretty much guaranteed to be slower than you so it's at least easy to get away from them.

Flame Slash does have its advantages, although I didn't make all of them super clear. It deals magic damage for less MP than Spark and does 150% damage against enemies like Maneaters. What I wish I did was had a log for damage rates so you could easily learn which attacks enemies are weak to or resistant against. I also originally had it burn the opponent, but the burn state was a poison clone which didn't work in battle and I ended up scrapping it. Perhaps I could bring that back to make it a bit more unique.

Again, I appreciate the feedback. It was definitely a squeeze just releasing Stuck In The Past as is, but having a little more RPG smarts could have definitely helped me go above and beyond with it.


Thanks for being receptive to my critiques - I know any criticism of a first project can sting, and I do again want to reiterate that I did find a lot of great stuff, and the potential for the battle system to be good. Just needed more time in the oven, IMO (which is tough with jam deadlines and all).

Funny, I didn't notice Reid's 100% run skill, though I may have already been slightly tilted at the time.

That said if you do any major updates I'd go from "maybe give it another try" to "definitely give it another try".

Again, great first entry despite not being to my taste.

I've been thinking about putting out a definitive version after the jam is over, so I may take the opportunity to implement some of those changes. I know the Unga Bunga region spawn and some spawn nerfs at least will make it in.