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yeah, I encourage a way to be able to buy the game like that, unless you want to see piracy. 

I'd rather buy a game then pirate it, but there's no way I'm paying $5 every month. In a year or two it'll add up to quite a large sum of money, which I don't plan on spending on any game.

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I bought this game on steam a while ago and trusted the developer. This was good and solid money I loved to give as the game looks not only promising in terms of gameplay, the artwork is simply amazing, too. 

But little did I know...

The version on steam is now older than 3 months and an update is not in sight. For me it is absolutely clear that the developer is only interested in his patreon feeders who want to pay 5 Dollar a month for a game that is almost not making any progress.

I wish Veuns Noire every success and money and all the best. But for a h-game which at the moment has this state, 5 Dollar a month is more like a joke. This is 60 Dollar a month. The price of a fully published Triple-A-title with tons of gameplay, a finished story, minigames, stunning graphic and everything you could wish for. 

But lets get deeper: The game was released in March 2018. 

Right know the game has the price of 42 month a 5 Dollar, meaning: 210 Dollar for a game this developed and having that progress. This simply doesn't add up for me. I downvoted the game in steam and I only could warn people for greedy developers like Venus Noire. 

What I try to say is: Is the game worth 0 Dollar? Of course not, it makes me wet simply thinking of Alexia and all the sexy stuff put in the game.

But is it worth 60 Dollar per anno? Hard nope. It lacks so many features, it has placeholder graphics, almost no gameplay. It only has a mildly interesting story which many dark turns and a considerable amount of great artwork. 

For me wanting 60 Dollar a year is just downright greedy.

Especially when the patreons feed him 10500 Dollar a month! 

Again, don't get me wrong: I do NOT want any presents.  I do not want any gifts or his work for free.

What I want is that he honors the deal on steam as well. Even if we are only one-time-payers.


sadly, this is all-too common in this genre.
these ppl charge as if they were the creators of HoneypotSelect themselves, not just some kids making machinima with someone else's software.
no devs, you are not making game, you are writing stories. 
price the m  accordingly, maybe go into a bookstore sometime and see how much a completed story is worth.. you might notice that authors 1:do not charge by the 'chapter', and 2 - a COMPLETED novel is about $10-20, tops.

Deleted post

a book set is not the same as a single story though. books have well-rounded endings, regardless of whether they lead into a new story in a new book or not.
think about it, even "the fellowship of the ring" had a well-rounded ending at the end of the book, even though that particular story was not finished in that one book.

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just do wat i do pay 5 for the game, complete it then cancel the subscription, so your only paying 5 overall.

but the game is not completed, so you cannot possibly complete it, and that is my point.