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What a sweet game! It was very funny and enjoyable, despite being so short. Kind of makes me want to know more about what happens in the "good-good" ending in more detail! 

I had a surprisingly hard time (well, for a game so short, obviously) to find the second bad ending, but eh, I managed! When I saw that option that leads to it, I KNEW what would happen (cause come one, you don't DO things like that!). 

Fun fact: I've just checked if you made other games and I see "Adarna", and I think "oh, funny, it's shares it's name with that bird...... WAIT! It IS about that bird OMG!!!" - aka, me as a mythology/fairytale/legend freak, too used to being the only one to know some stories! I'll have to check it out next!


Well, that could be a sequel someday but for now, I'd say it's up to the players to decide what went on next ;)

I'm glad you went through the effort of searching for all the endings (I'd personally stop at getting all good ends ^^"). 

I hope you enjoy Adarna!  The original tale is a part of the school curriculum here, so it's pretty well known... but no one really ever talks about it XD