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(3 edits) (+3)

Hi there! I stumbled upon this game today by sheer chance, really, and I found myself compelled to play! And wow, I really enjoyed it a lot, and I can't even tell if it's "more than I expected to" or if it is "just as I expected to". I KNEW I would like this game, but at the same time,  I really didn't know what to expect from it, so it leaves me so confused (but very pleased regardless!).

Since you made lists of questions to answer, both for the main game and the Extra Story, I will answer these and then complete my feedback with whatever wasn't encompassed by these!

Base questions:

  • What's your favorite character?

Well, it's hard not to love Mathias, so I guess it would be him. Interestingly enough, I would have expected Mandra to be my favorite, but somehow their brother beats them. It's not Mandra being less to my liking than I thought, though, but Mathias being more to my liking than expected. I also really like Valência, even if she isn't an important character! She may even be my second favorite, somehow. That aside, I like the main character a lot, even if I would have a hard time figuring out where they stand compared to other characters, with how the player shapes their personality to an extent.

  • Did you try the different options, or did you follow only one path?

Only one path. While (as opposed to strictly text based interactive fiction) I DO play more than one "route" in most visual novels, in this case I couldn't NOT go for Mathias' romantic path, and well, since I want to always have the same main character, regardless of romance, I could not change their personality or outlook on things.

  • What do you think of the black and white aesthetic?

I love it! But I don't think it's exactly BECAUSE it's black and white, and rather regardless of it. Though that isn't accurate either, since it implies black and white should be worse than fully colored. The truth is I simply don't care either way, as a rule of thumb. I guess it's because I read a lot of mangas, so yeah, black and white is pretty usual for me, and I mostly see the art-style and that kind of stuff rather than the colors or lack thereof. At least, I can say the art-style fits the black and white aesthetic a lot. So the end result is gorgeous!

  • Is there anything about the world of Five Kingdoms you'd like to know more about while playing?

Not exactly at this point. Like, there are things I'm not sure I understand well, but that seems intended with how the narrative is structured - things to be revealed at a later point, bit by bit... Well, no, maybe just... What IS the "Dragon Commander"? Obviously it's the MC, but that's WHO they are, not WHAT. I'm curious about why that title, and what does it entail exactly.

Extra Story questions:

  • Did you enjoy having a more intimate look at your Dragon Commander's past? Should I make more of this type of thing or nah?

Yeah, I liked it a lot. It helps in knowing little details about the MC, and how they were before the events that seemed to truly change them. It's a good example of well placed showing instead of telling, basically. A bit of exposition about how they all were back then would work, sure, but seeing it, playing through it... The impact is bigger.

  • What was your favorite and least favorite thing about this update?

I'm not the best placed person to answer since I played the entire thing in one go, having discovered the game only now. Now, generally speaking, I really like the way you write more intimate scenes. Like, yeah, at this point "nothing" truly happens, even implicitly, but they have... that kind of beauty. Like, they are very delicate and enchanting? These are the best words I can find! Now, I find your style very beautiful overall, anyway. It's hard to put into words, really - beautiful is the best word. I think it has to do with the rythm of the narration. Very slow, very vague, with information coming very slowly, things becoming clearer here and there, new mysteries and question showing up too...  It's both very epic and very quiet and appeasing.

And there was nothing I disliked, so... If I was actually following updates per se, maybe I could have answered that part but as it is... yep, only positives.

  • Which character would like to learn more about?

The main character! So yeah, basically, I want to know more about what happened to them, their past, their family... And Valência because she's a very secondary character so we know sooo little about her! Obviously I can't really tell any specific thing I'd like to know about her since I know almost nothing to begin with.... AAAAH WHY DO I LIKE HER SO MUCH???!!!

  • Do you feel you're having enough space to create your own Dragon Commander? 

Hmm yes? But you're talking to a person who largely prefers to have a main character who is their own person, with only some player input into their psyche, behavior and so on. So while this game has the perfect balance to please my tastes, I don't know what other people may have to say. My go-to requirement is: "either have a MC who is a fleshed out character and leave little to player input, or leave EVERYTHING to player input, with dozens of choices to back that up". Basically, I don't like the "in-between" where it feels as if the player should have full agency over the MC, only to be lacking in term of choices afterwards. Since it doesn't fall in this in-between, I'm happy!

Well okay, with both lists of questions answered, I don't think I have a lot to comment on anymore. Good music choices? But that's it I think!

I DO have a question, though!

So, I like the way the choices work - how they either shape the protagonist's outlook on / approach to things, or their dynamics with the various characters, in terms of relationships. Generally speaking, it's all pretty clear and neat. 

But with that being said hmm... how to phrase it... Let's say I did play games that actually revolve around a simple system, but where there IS a "good" and a "bad" way to play. Meaning that while the system is simple and the choices easy to interpret, the player actually has to balance their stats and choices, because some playstyles (for example being always as nice as possible or as mean as possible) are not viable - you'd have to balance nice and mean reactions. In these games, you'd get a bad ending (sometimes even a game over) if you don't balance things "correctly". 

And, as I'm sure you figured out at this point, I was wondering if that is the case in this game? The setting, style, etc, remind me of some of these games, so I'm naturally wary and I prefer to ask. If it IS the case, that won't deter me from playing, eh! It's just that it's a thing I prefer to know beforehand! Not going to lie though, I DO hope it's not the case and that I'll be able to continue playing selecting the generally nicest / softest answers, because I enjoy this so much! <3

Anyway, I think that's truly it now!

You really created a little gem here, and I'm excited for more!


Hi, Konoi! 

Oh wow. This is the most detailed feedback I've received for this game, and it gave me such great insight. Thank you for taking the time to write it! ♥♥♥ I'm really really glad you enjoyed the game, and I'm so happy you liked Knight Valência! You'll know more about Val and your Commander's relationship in the next chapter. I hope you'll like her even more! mwahaha >8) 


About the Dragon Commander title: September is LtGBtK's first anniversary, and I'm planning a lot of stuff to celebrate. Part of it is to answer the players' questions with the characters in the cast, so I can have Knight Valência answer this one for you if you want. ;) ♥♥♥

And about your question about good/bad endings: Don't worry, there's no right or wrong in this game, and there won't be good/bad endings. ♥ I'm an avid VN player, so I know exactly what you're talking about hahaha! But I always felt sad every time I got a bad ending/game over just for picking the choices that felt more aligned to my play style or to the character in my head, so I left the "wrong" choices out of this one. You can choose and build your Commander in any way you want. :) 

What CAN happen is that your choices can unlock hidden/secret scenes that are very hard to get. Sometimes they are sweet (like a soft scene for The Destroyer archetype—the thorny choices in the middle—in CH01), and sometimes they can be dangerous (like a rather violent fight scene with Mand in CH02). But even in this second case, you'll know when it's coming, cause I made sure to add a lot of choices in this scene, so you can stop things before they get too bloody. xD hahaha 

Again, thank you so much for your feedback and for playing! I hope you'll continue to enjoy the game and its universe. :* ♥


Thanks for your answer! Glad to hear any playstyle is "valid"!

And about that - "so I can have Knight Valência answer this one for you if you want." - sure! Thanks! <3

And glad my feedback was helpful! It's always fun to write my thoughts about a game!