What do u need help with?
This should be easy to make
9 12 12 8 5 12 16 25 15 21 4 1 18 12 9 14 7
And btw im not Ayla...
No im not Mythical or Ayla
9 13 13 25 19 20 5 18 9 15 21 19
letters to numbers
A guy who has depression
its just a name man...
now calm down i dont really have depression im gonna change the name
heh i should have told you this a long time ago Austin
My name is Gen im a boy and a friend of Mythical i managed to get his account his password is very easy to guess
And i wanna share a secret with Ayla and Mythical
You know how Ayla and Mythical say they are brothers and sisters?
Well they are not.
They are bf and gf those guys are not siblings whatever they're tryna tell you
im working on it
whats his name?
Oh ok so name the spritesheet just vinny?
Nice this ghost will have a silver like mic btw