I wanted to review this earlier, but I was out of bananas.
Favourite details: Lots of fun prompts here, and the whole concept is good goofy fun. Mace (medieval) and mace (spray) is pretty great. Would also have accepted the wildly unuseful mace (spice). Obviously the bananas rule is delightful too. From the final set of tables, my favourite entry is party bot, and my favourite table is... the last, deeply critical one to run the game (of course).
Maybe next time: I feel like you could -- if you wanted -- really channel your inner space stat and cut this bad boy down to only the weirdest, the zaniest, and the most fun prompts and rules. You definitely have a working game here, with a lot of great pieces! But I'm going to pull a classic teacher-picking-on-the-talented-student move and say that I would love to see you edit a little more ruthlessly and really run with your most gonzo ideas. Of course, I'm not your teacher. I'm just some guy.
Thanks so much for sharing your game with us! Very much in the vein of Howitt or Harper, and I think it would be a lot of fun to play at a con or with some beers. Hefeweizen, maybe. (That was another banana joke.)