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Does anyone know how to get the secret achievement between Best boy and My little bletchley  park? It's pmuch the only achievement left for me but I dont have the slightlest idea on how to unlock it

You can put an alternate name in the contacts of a certain someone.  Just need to call out a twist in that.


Thanks I managed to 100% achievements the game finally :), I admit it didnt even cross my mind to do that.


Congrats! As far as I know you're the first to get there.

By the way, did you try clicking on the button below the achievement percentage once it's over 85%? Just checking if it does look like a button to people.

(Also the reward is a little half-assed, pun intended, but we'll try to expand this feature on the future.)


not the guy you replied to, but I didn't press the button when I got over 85%. Mostly because I wasn't looking for anything in the first place - I think it could be made more clear, if your intention is to have buttons that are enabled on certain achievement thresholds.

Thanks and I did in fact, although I must admit it was by complete accident haha.

I dont really know how I triggered it tbh, but you get My Little Bletchley Park from Argos dropping a notebook during an encounter in the valley, then having your R&D team decrypt it. I got this on my second caring master run-through, along with the thing with Luke sending you memes and Argos messaging Asterion under his real name acting a missionary (also don't really know how I triggered those two, maybe these sub-events are RNG?) Wish I could be more help :(


They are not RNG! :)

Haha, yeah I probably should've figured. Silly right brain :P

Just had a thought; One thing I did differently was that I made the sacrifice to Hermes with the Argos loophole and toasted to Hermes when Asterion asked. Maybe that's what triggered the notebook thing? I haven't tested it yet, but lmk if you do