Could we get a more solid answer? By my interpretation of Maz's answer there already looks to be a game breaking the rules (, however Hazel-Rah seems cool with it since they liked it on twitter?
I'm not against lax jams, but it's a little frustrating to get mixed signals, and if people read this thread and figured that they shouldn't make any assets or anything until the weekend of the jam, it's discouraging to see those games put next to games that had a few extra weeks as a head start. Is this a weekend jam where you can plan before hand but need to make the assets and write the script and code within the weekend (how I interpreted Maz's answer) or is this a submission for a collection of pastel themed games that can be completed at any time (perfectly legit, but please make that clear)?
Personally I'd think that in the spirit of how a jam is, Summerlands shouldn't be submitted, since it was started way ago. But I think it'd be fine to add to a collection of pastel games.
I was personally brought in to just set up the jam rather than as the initial idea, but in my experience it is definitely disheartening to see a bunch of highly polished assets next to something which has been done in a weekend.
Perhaps if someone has been preparing something like Summerlands it may be a good idea to add a button which people click to say "Yes this has been made entirely over the weekend" versus "This has had assets prepared beforehand but was programmed over the weekend".